Catching frogs behind John & Liz's trailer. This was Courtney's favorite activity... there were only 43,502,340 frogs out there!
Saturday breakfast
The loft - where all the cool (and short) cousins chillaxed and practiced their ring toss game.
The target of said ring toss game.
John telling a story at lunch.
The LAKE!!! Kay & the Texas twins are in the middle; Briley's at the bottom.
Bode found the toys!
Bree & Hadley - two peas in a pod!
Courtney leading a mean game of Red Rover on the beach. It's all fun and games until she pulls her son's arm out of its socket! (She didn't really DO that...)
Breakfast on Sunday morning, after Whit, Cory & Kay fought off a hostile take over of Jellystone,
but right before Hadley & the Oklahoma twins broke into cabins that didn't belong to us!
Whit and Court ignoring their mom on the trampoline behind them; Tom, however, wanted to watch in case something happened! (Kinda looks like Court's peeing, huh?)
The Zorns as they embark on their three-hour tour!
Ciera being shy - but not shy enough to actually HIDE from the camera!
Cory, Kay & Liz waiting on dinner to be served to them, I guess!
The annual magazine scramble, courtesy of Whit.
Proof that the late sleepers and day nappers, Erin & Jessi, were there!
OK, OK, maybe Jessi didn't nap ALL day long!
Hadley on the big slide. We missed everyone else... :(
The view from our deck. And yes, they always looked this sweet!
Friday night's dinner: Chinese buffet... The food of our ancestors, right? And, just in case you were wondering, there were only four other tables at this little buffet in downtown Eufaula. We took up the WHOLE place! One of our proudest moments. Another proud moment came a half hour later when John lost his teeth - check mine or Lynnette's facebook for that pic!
Saturday breakfast - Court sitting AWAY from the frogs (but next to the shitter).
Ciera & Bode decided to pose by themselves after the big cousins left them alone!
Kids eating breakfast Saturday morning: Hadley & Bree across from LJ, Briley, Bode & Krista.
Kay, taking a break from all the bouncing
Sunday morning breakfast
Ciera & Bree picking up rocks. A toddler's work is never done!
Court, Tom, David & Rachel listening to John.
Sunday morning breakfast: Bill was telling how he could surround the whole resort and completely defeat the root-beer wielding terrorist who targeted the Burkhardts!
John telling a story...
The Zorns - still on their three-hour tour!
Rachel - probably peeing
Bode, learning the necessary skills to be a swat team member in the even that someone attacks his aunt's house with a bottle of Diet Coke and a Mentos.
Little cousins in the loft: Brecken and/or Gavin, Bode, Bree, Krista, Briley, Hadley & LJ.
Briley, Ciera & Rachel trying to get lake sand in EVERY crevice!
Erin, Hannah/Faith, and Lynnette eating breakfast Sunday am after a FULL day of softball on Saturday!
Sunday breakfast crew
Brian in the lake - probably peeing.
Brecken/Gavin on the obstacle course.
Brecken/Gavin laying down the law to Briley & Bree - who probably didn't give a care what he was saying!
Briley, Gavin, Brecken and Cory - about 5 minutes later, it was just Cory in the paddle boat!
Cory, faithfully serving his mother-in-law, even though she tried to make him a terrorist's target by turning on her iphone.
Generation 3: Jessicca, Erin, Krista, Hadley, Brecken, Gavin, Briley, LJ, Hannah, Faith, Bree, Bode & Ciera. (Missing: Andrew, Kayla, BJ, Lisa, David, Brendan & Caitlyn)
MSG 2012 - details to come soon!!
Such a short time together but so much fun . And she didn't even tell the story of "The Spy that came from the heat " in the Zorn's cabin. I am so glad that the Zorns or Burkhardts or my baby sister do not "carry". I am sitting here like a fool laughing way TO loud.
AW! I'm so sad that I missed it!!! I wish I could have gone to my Summer Project AND the Reunion! I love you guys so much!
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